Landing the Role of Kate

A chronicle of my actventures

Applying for Auditions

Happy New Year! Guess I’m a little late on that (of course I did retroactively post up until today, so the first post was really a happy new year post. Shh, our little secret). I don’t really think “New Year’s resolutions” are a good idea. I think that when you resolve to do something, you should do it then. That said, all my resolutions happened to land on or around the close of 2009. My resolutions list is mostly things that support getting my writing career on track (relaunched my website today!, but the other major thing is to land the role of Kate in Breaking Dawn. Just want you guys to know that I am taking this seriously, despite how silly it is.

So, as part of my acting résumé building, I have to figure out what my type and age range are. Age range is easier, I’m pretty sure I can go age 18-30. Seems like a wide range, but I’ve met people who have guessed me to be all of those ages, so I suppose it’s subjective. As for my type… it’s not really required for the résumé. Most of the casting calls advertise the female roles as “HOT” (they seriously always write it in all caps). Hopefully I can fit into that, seems like it may be my only option at this point.

On that note, I will discuss with you the films to which I’m looking to apply after the cut.

All three are in the Portland area.

1. Feature length film that will be shot in July. Auditions are next week. The characters I’m going to try to audition for are

  • Tamara; Age Range: 20-25; Supporting Actress. This role has been written as a developmentally delayed character
  • Marie; Age Range: 18-24; Supporting Actress. Role of single mother

2. Comedy short called “Meat Market” (let’s hope it’s not a porno heh) that will be shot in February. There’s quite a few parts that I can go for in this one. The female lead, Erin, sounds the most interesting. Then there are six supporting female roles I could fit into, including a surprise transvestite! Move over Gael García Bernal, a bad education can happen in the PacNW as well.
Not sure if the director is even still accepting head shots/résumés, upon further look at the ad, which was posted 12/22. But will send mine in anyway. What’s there to lose? And he’s offering craft services. Mmm.

3. Feature length film. Auditions in late January. This director is quite mysterious about it all. The roles don’t even have names, just Actor 1, 2, 3 etc. Does this mean there’s no script? I mean, even my screenplay has the character names picked out and I’m only 2 scenes in. But back to this film, there’s three female leads ages 25-35 and seven undescribed supporting roles that they will “cast when the right person auditions.” Isn’t that what auditions are for—finding the right person for a role?

We shall see if I get a call to come audition. The first two said they’ll need extras, so there’s always that default. I like that acting is just like any job. You apply, you get called in for the interview (audition), and they either give you the job or call you back for another interview (or reject you, of course). It’s refreshing to know that there’s no secret formula involved.

Off to Trisha’s to sort through the head shots, finish up my résumé, and decide upon an acting workshop.


Special thanks to @JRMoreau for not putting on airs whilst delivering me a swift kick in the butt. Yeah, yeah, I’m getting around to that whole creating long term career goals thing. It’ll be done end of the week COB, PST as promised.

January 5, 2010 - Posted by | Gigs | , , , , , , ,


  1. I admire that you are headed into this with an actual goal, and a plan to get there.

    Kudos to you, I think it’s safe to say none of us would even know where to begin, and I wish you well and an abundance of luck in this endeavor.

    Takes balls, girl, and looks like you got ’em!


    Comment by lovemesomecullens | January 5, 2010 | Reply

    • thanks! Yeah, I got balls, should apply for that “surprise transvestite” role then for sure. ;)

      Comment by lorenagay | January 6, 2010 | Reply

  2. Good luck with those auditions! Hope you get one or more! :-)

    Comment by GriffsSayWhat | January 6, 2010 | Reply

  3. I hope you get muliple call-ins and that the schedules don’t over-lap! (No “Victoria” fiascos, right?) But don’t give up no matter what happens.

    Comment by ambushed by twilight | January 6, 2010 | Reply

    • I will be steadfast. And seriously, love you LeFevre! So sad about that whole mess!

      Comment by lorenagay | January 6, 2010 | Reply

  4. I think I hurt my foot on your butt, but I’m glad you’re starting to chug along like a choo choo now. Hope you nail your goals!

    Comment by JR Moreau | January 6, 2010 | Reply

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